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San Rafael: (415) 266-1800

Merits Briefing Concluded Before CA Supreme Court in CAL FIRE Local 2881 "Air Time"

Posted On: January 23, 2018

Monday, on behalf of CAL FIRE Local 2881, Messing Adam & Jasmine LLP filed the Reply Brief on the Merits in the California Supreme Court case CAL FIRE Local 2881 v. CalPERS.

As many of our clients know, this is a case on review before the California Supreme Court challenging the state's decision to violate the "California Rule" in PEPRA by revoking vested pension rights from public employees without providing the necessary comparative advantages in return. This is the final merits briefing in the case, but we are expecting significant amici curiae briefing to which we will be responding.

Stay tuned to these Labor Beat Alerts to keep updated on how this and other important pension and labor cases are progressing.

Please contact Gary Messing or Gregg Adam if you have any questions about this or other developments.


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